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Jual crazy bulk, bulking vs cutting

Jual crazy bulk, bulking vs cutting - Buy steroids online

Jual crazy bulk

bulking vs cutting

Jual crazy bulk

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Bulking vs cutting

Micromanaging the bulking period is one of the stepping stones to more lean muscle retention during the shredding period coming afterwards. I use a 12 week program here as this is my normal approach for the first few bulking cycles and I love it: 1 Week Phase 1: Rest 90sec, bulking cycle into cutting cycle. (8x5) Exercise Sets Reps A1: Squat 4 x 5, 10, 15, 20 (for 2-3 reps) B1: Bench Press 4 x 5, 10, 15, 20 C1: Dumbell Squat 4 x 5, 10, 15, 20 D1: Bench Press Pull ups 4 x 10, 15, 20 E1: Dumbell Squat 4 x 5, 10, 15, 20 F1: Dumbell Bench Press 4 x 5, 10, 15, 20 D1: Dumbell Bench Press Push ups or Tricep Ext, Pushups or Tricep Extension 4 x 10, 15, 20 G1: Incline Bench Press 4 x 5, 10, 15, 20 H1: Incline Bench Press Pull ups 4 x 10, 15, 20 I1: Tricep Extensions, Bench push ups or Leg Extensions 4x10, 15/20 J1: Incline Bench Press, Tricep Extensions, Bench push ups or Leg extensions 4x10, 15/20 K1: Incline Bench Press Push ups, Tricep Extensions, DB Press Pull ups 4x10, 15/20 L1: Incline Bench Press, Tricep Extensions, DB Press, DB press 4x12, 16/20 M1: DB Press Pull ups 4 x 10, 15, 20 N1: DB Press, Deadlift 4x12, 16/20 O1: DB Flyes 4x12, 16/20 P1: DB Flyes C1: DB flyes in circles 4x10, 15/20 R1: DB Curl 4x12, 16/20 I've been training about 5 days/week in this program for the past 5 years and have gained about 20lbs of muscle in my bench, deadlift and squat in the process, bulking shredding. I haven't lost as much of my lean muscle as I would have liked when I started though. My abs are probably still the biggest thing to look forward to in the future, my shoulders have actually been giving me a lot of issues in the last few years when training a lot and I'm trying a whole lot less to train for it than I did when I started, bulking shredding.

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